//! This is an example of how kitchen-fridge can be used use chrono::{Utc}; use url::Url; use kitchen_fridge::traits::CalDavSource; use kitchen_fridge::calendar::SupportedComponents; use kitchen_fridge::Item; use kitchen_fridge::Task; use kitchen_fridge::task::CompletionStatus; use kitchen_fridge::CalDavProvider; use kitchen_fridge::traits::BaseCalendar; use kitchen_fridge::traits::CompleteCalendar; use kitchen_fridge::utils::pause; mod shared; use shared::initial_sync; use shared::{URL, USERNAME, EXAMPLE_EXISTING_CALENDAR_URL, EXAMPLE_CREATED_CALENDAR_URL}; const CACHE_FOLDER: &str = "test_cache/provider_sync"; #[tokio::main] async fn main() { env_logger::init(); println!("This example show how to sync a remote server with a local cache, using a Provider."); println!("Make sure you have edited the constants in the 'shared.rs' file to include correct URLs and credentials."); println!("You can also set the RUST_LOG environment variable to display more info about the sync."); println!(""); println!("This will use the following settings:"); println!(" * URL = {}", URL); println!(" * USERNAME = {}", USERNAME); println!(" * EXAMPLE_EXISTING_CALENDAR_URL = {}", EXAMPLE_EXISTING_CALENDAR_URL); println!(" * EXAMPLE_CREATED_CALENDAR_URL = {}", EXAMPLE_CREATED_CALENDAR_URL); pause(); let mut provider = initial_sync(CACHE_FOLDER).await; add_items_and_sync_again(&mut provider).await; } async fn add_items_and_sync_again(provider: &mut CalDavProvider) { println!("\nNow, we'll add a calendar and a few tasks and run the sync again."); pause(); // Create a new calendar... let new_calendar_url: Url = EXAMPLE_CREATED_CALENDAR_URL.parse().unwrap(); let new_calendar_name = "A brave new calendar".to_string(); if let Err(_err) = provider.local_mut() .create_calendar(new_calendar_url.clone(), new_calendar_name.clone(), SupportedComponents::TODO, Some("#ff8000".parse().unwrap())) .await { println!("Unable to add calendar, maybe it exists already. We're not adding it after all."); } // ...and add a task in it let new_name = "This is a new task in a new calendar"; let new_task = Task::new(String::from(new_name), true, &new_calendar_url); provider.local().get_calendar(&new_calendar_url).await.unwrap() .lock().unwrap().add_item(Item::Task(new_task)).await.unwrap(); // Also create a task in a previously existing calendar let changed_calendar_url: Url = EXAMPLE_EXISTING_CALENDAR_URL.parse().unwrap(); let new_task_name = "This is a new task we're adding as an example, with ÜTF-8 characters"; let new_task = Task::new(String::from(new_task_name), false, &changed_calendar_url); let new_url = new_task.url().clone(); provider.local().get_calendar(&changed_calendar_url).await.unwrap() .lock().unwrap().add_item(Item::Task(new_task)).await.unwrap(); if provider.sync().await == false { log::warn!("Sync did not complete, see the previous log lines for more info. You can safely start a new sync. The new task may not have been synced."); } else { println!("Done syncing the new task '{}' and the new calendar '{}'", new_task_name, new_calendar_name); } provider.local().save_to_folder().unwrap(); complete_item_and_sync_again(provider, &changed_calendar_url, &new_url).await; } async fn complete_item_and_sync_again( provider: &mut CalDavProvider, changed_calendar_url: &Url, url_to_complete: &Url) { println!("\nNow, we'll mark this last task as completed, and run the sync again."); pause(); let completion_status = CompletionStatus::Completed(Some(Utc::now())); provider.local().get_calendar(changed_calendar_url).await.unwrap() .lock().unwrap().get_item_by_url_mut(url_to_complete).await.unwrap() .unwrap_task_mut() .set_completion_status(completion_status); if provider.sync().await == false { log::warn!("Sync did not complete, see the previous log lines for more info. You can safely start a new sync. The new task may not have been synced."); } else { println!("Done syncing the completed task"); } provider.local().save_to_folder().unwrap(); remove_items_and_sync_again(provider, changed_calendar_url, url_to_complete).await; } async fn remove_items_and_sync_again( provider: &mut CalDavProvider, changed_calendar_url: &Url, id_to_remove: &Url) { println!("\nNow, we'll delete this last task, and run the sync again."); pause(); // Remove the task we had created provider.local().get_calendar(changed_calendar_url).await.unwrap() .lock().unwrap() .mark_for_deletion(id_to_remove).await.unwrap(); if provider.sync().await == false { log::warn!("Sync did not complete, see the previous log lines for more info. You can safely start a new sync. The new task may not have been synced."); } else { println!("Done syncing the deleted task"); } provider.local().save_to_folder().unwrap(); println!("Done. You can start this example again to see the cache being restored from its current saved state") }