// Function to convert Unix timestamps to local time function convertUnixTimeToLocalTime(unixTime, element) { const date = new Date(unixTime * 1000); element.textContent = date.toLocaleString(); } // Call the function for each timestamp on page load window.onload = function () { const creationTimeElements = document.querySelectorAll('.creation-time'); const lastEditedTimeElements = document.querySelectorAll('.last-edited-time'); creationTimeElements.forEach(element => { const unixTime = parseInt(element.getAttribute('data-unix')); convertUnixTimeToLocalTime(unixTime, element); }); lastEditedTimeElements.forEach(element => { const unixTime = parseInt(element.getAttribute('data-unix')); convertUnixTimeToLocalTime(unixTime, element); }); }; const deleteForm = document.getElementById("deleteForm"); const checkAllButton = document.getElementById("checkAll"); const checkboxes = document.querySelectorAll('input[type="checkbox"]'); checkAllButton.addEventListener("click", function () { checkboxes.forEach(checkbox => { checkbox.checked = true; }); }); deleteForm.addEventListener("submit", function (event) { event.preventDefault(); // Stop form submission // Get all checkboxes in the delete form const checkboxes = deleteForm.querySelectorAll('input[type="checkbox"]'); const filesToDelete = []; // Get the filenames of the selected files checkboxes.forEach(checkbox => { if (checkbox.checked) { filesToDelete.push(checkbox.value); } }); // Call the deleteFiles function to send the request to the server deleteFiles(filesToDelete); }); function deleteFiles(filesToDelete) { // Send a POST request to the server to delete the selected files fetch("/delete", { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: JSON.stringify({ files: filesToDelete }), }) .then(response => { if (response.ok) { // Files deleted successfully location.reload(); // Refresh the page to reflect the changes } else { // Handle the error, e.g., display an error message console.error("Error deleting files"); } }) .catch(error => { console.error("Error deleting files:", error); }); } // Handle exportFolder button click const exportFolderButton = document.getElementById("exportFolder"); exportFolderButton.addEventListener("click", function () { window.location.href = "/export"; });