# This file controls the behavior of Trunk: https://docs.trunk.io/cli # To learn more about the format of this file, see https://docs.trunk.io/reference/trunk-yaml version: 0.1 cli: version: 1.17.2 # Trunk provides extensibility via plugins. (https://docs.trunk.io/plugins) plugins: sources: - id: trunk ref: v1.3.0 uri: https://github.com/trunk-io/plugins # Many linters and tools depend on runtimes - configure them here. (https://docs.trunk.io/runtimes) runtimes: enabled: - go@1.21.0 - node@18.12.1 - python@3.10.8 # This is the section where you manage your linters. (https://docs.trunk.io/check/configuration) lint: enabled: - checkov@3.1.4 - git-diff-check - gofmt@1.20.4 - golangci-lint@1.55.2 - hadolint@2.12.0 - markdownlint@0.37.0 - osv-scanner@1.4.3 - prettier@3.1.0 - shellcheck@0.9.0 - shfmt@3.6.0 - terrascan@1.18.3 - trivy@0.47.0 - trufflehog@3.63.1 - yamllint@1.33.0 actions: disabled: - trunk-announce - trunk-check-pre-push - trunk-fmt-pre-commit enabled: - trunk-upgrade-available