on: [push] jobs: Clone: runs-on: website steps: - name: Clone repository uses: actions/checkout@v4 with: ref: main repository: Musselman/Notatio Retrive-Tag: runs-on: website steps: - name: Get latest tag run: | tagOutput=$(git describe --abbrev=0 --tags || true) if [ -z "$tagOutput" ] || [ "$tagOutput" == "fatal: No names found, cannot describe anything." ]; then TAG='latest' echo "No tags found, using default tag: $TAG" else TAG=$tagOutput echo "Latest tag found: $TAG" fi Build: runs-on: website steps: - name: Building.. run: | go build Test: runs-on: website steps: - name: Testing.. run: | echo "No Testing to do currently.." Create-Image: runs-on: website steps: - name: Build image run: | podman build -t notatio . Push-Image: runs-on: website steps: - name: Push image to registry run: | podman login -u ${{ secrets.USERNAME }} -p ${{ secrets.PASSWORD }} docker.io podman push notatio ${{ env.registry }}:${{ env.TAG }} podman logout ${{ env.registry }} Cleanup: runs-on: website steps: - name: Cleanup image run: | podman rmi -a -f