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2020-09-02 10:08:39 +02:00
The Basics
git init#Create a Git repository in the current folder.
git status#View the status of each file in a repository.
git add <file>#Stage a file for the next commit.
git commit#Commit the staged files with a descriptive message.
git log#View a repositorys commit history.
git config --global user.name "<name>"#Define the author name to be used in all repositories.
git config --global user.email <email>#Define the author email to be used in all repositories.
Undoing Changes
git checkout <commit-id>#View a previous commit.
git tag -a <tag-name> -m "<description>"#Create an annotated tag pointing to the most recent commit.
git revert <commit-id>#Undo the specified commit by applying a new commit.
git reset --hard#Reset tracked files to match the most recent commit.
git clean -f#Remove untracked files.
git reset --hard / git clean -f#Permanently undo uncommitted changes.
Branches I
git branch#List all branches.
git branch <branch-name>#Create a new branch using the current working directory as its base.
git checkout <branch-name>#Make the working directory and the HEAD match the specified branch.
git merge <branch-name>#Merge a branch into the checked-out branch.
Branches II
git commit -a -m "<message>"#Stage all tracked files and commit the snapshot using the specified message.
git branch -D <branch-name>#Force the removal of an unmerged branch (be careful: it will be lost forever).
git rebase <new-base>#Move the current branchs commits to the tip of <new-base>, which can be either a branch name or a commit ID.
git rebase -i <new-base>#Perform an interactive rebase and select actions for each commit.
git commit --amend#Add staged changes to the most recent commit instead of creating a new one.
git rebase --continue#Continue a rebase after amending a commit.
git rebase --abort#Abandon the current interactive rebase and return the repository to its former state.
git merge --no-ff <branch-name>#Force a merge commit even if Git could do a fast-forward merge.
Rewriting History
git reflog#Display the local, chronological history of a repository.
git reset --mixed HEAD~<n>#Move the HEAD backward <n> commits, but dont change the working directory.
git reset --hard HEAD~<n>#Move the HEAD backward <n> commits, and change the working directory to match.
git log <since>..<until>#Display the commits reachable from <until> but not from <since>. These parameters can be either commit IDs or branch names.
git log --stat#Include extra information about altered files in the log output.
git clone <remote-path>#Create a copy of a remote Git repository.
git remote#List remote repositories.
git remote add <remote-name> <remote-path>#Add a remote repository.
git fetch <remote-name>#Download remote branch information, but do not merge anything.
git merge <remote-name>/<branch-name>#Merge a remote branch into the checked-out branch.
git branch -r#List remote branches.
git push <remote-name> <branch-name>#Push a local branch to another repository.
git push <remote-name> <tag-name>#Push a tag to another repository.
Centralized/Distributed Workflows
git init --bare <repository-name>#Create a Git repository, but omit the working directory.
git remote rm <remote-name>#Remove the specified remote from your bookmarked connections.
git remote rm <remote-name>#Remove the specified remote from your bookmarked connections.
Patch Workflows
git format-patch <branch-name>#Create a patch for each commit contained in the current branch but not in <branch-name>. You can also specify a commit ID instead of <branch-name>.
git am < <patch-file>#Apply a patch to the current branch.
Tips & Tricks
git archive <branch-name> --format=zip --output=<file>#Export a single snapshot to a ZIP archive called <file>.
git bundle create <file> <branch-name>#Export an entire branch, complete with history, to the specified file.
git clone repo.bundle <repo-dir> -b <branch-name>#Re-create a project from a bundled repository and checkout <branchname>.
git stash#Temporarily stash changes to create a clean working directory.
git stash apply#Re-apply stashed changes to the working directory.
git diff <commit-id>..<commit-id>#View the difference between two commits.
git diff#View the difference between the working directory and the staging area.
git diff --cached#View the difference between the staging area and the most recent commit.
git reset HEAD <file>#Unstage a file, but dont alter the working directory or move the current branch.
git checkout <commit-id> <file>#Revert an individual file to match the specified commit without switching branches.
git config --global alias.<alias-name> <git-command>#Create a shortcut for a command and store it in the global configuration file.
git cat-file <type> <object-id>#Display the specified object, where <type> is one of commit, tree, blob, or tag.
git cat-file -t <object-id>#Output the type of the specified object.
git ls-tree <tree-id>#Display a pretty version of the specified tree object.
git gc#Perform a garbage collection on the object database.
git update-index [--add] <file>#Stage the specified file, using the optional --add flag to denote a new untracked file.
git write-tree#Generate a tree from the index and store it in the object database. Returns the ID of the new tree object.
git commit-tree <tree-id> -p <parent-id>#Create a new commit object from the given tree object and parent commit. Returns the ID of the new commit object.